About Us

Our panel

Our panel of expert solicitors all have years of experience specialising in incidents resulting serious and fatal injury.

They make treatment, early rehabilitation and interim payments a priority to ease financial pressures and help with what can be an uncertain future, as well as providing ongoing support throughout any criminal proceedings or inquest.

Each lawyer operates under an agreed code of practice which is underpinned by a transparent, ethical and caring approach intended to put your needs first.

All our panel will offer: 

  • No win – no fee
  • 100% compensation*
  • Nationwide
  • Home visits

You can contact any of them directly via the phone numbers provided, or via their email address listed.

If your enquiry is not necessarily a legal one, the network has expertise in other fields, and we can signpost you accordingly.

*100% compensation is not available to injuries caused by assault or where there is an untraced driver.

Here to support you and your family.